Soul Healing: The Power of Therapy, Medication, and Self-Care in a War Zone World Therapy is needed & if it’s the right type of therapy and right therapist, it is …

Winning in a World that Keeps Mental Health on a Battlefield
Scientific Racism Doesn’t Define My Divinely Made Body
The Poisonous Legacy of Scientific Racism: Unmasking its Role in Ailing Societies High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, etc are not “Black diseases.” I’m wonderfully made. I’m divinely made. My body …
Staying with Spouse During Hard Times is Not “Struggle Love”
The 4 Tops, Bernadette song, a Black man singing to his Black woman: “They’d give the world and all they own For just one moment we have known” ——— Now …
The Obsession with ‘Black Accountability’ is a Form of Anti-Blackness
Believing there’s a need for ‘Black Accountability’ is rooted in anti-Black sentiments. This anti-black obsession with “accountability.” Black people are held more accountable than anyone else. Hell, we are held …
Black Teen Life Stories: As Vital as Bible Stories
Life stories of Black teenagers are just as significant as narratives found in the Bible. I was listening to a church service & they were mentioning how much they need …

Learning Patience When You Want Life to Give You Lemons
After a week inside I got my lemon tree back outside today and the bees are going to be so happy about this. I’m looking forward to watching the bees …

Positive TV: Abbott Elementary is Head of the Class
I truly enjoyed Season 3 Episode 1. I was so glad it was an hour long because I’m never ready for the show to end after just 30 minutes. I …

A Desert Escape with Sunshine Therapy
I’m so glad it’s been warming up some. I love spending time on the patio, with Luna, birds flying by, my lemon tree, and butterflies depending on the time of …
Building Unbreakable Inner Peace
I was watching my usual church service online. January 21st, 2024. I no longer subscribe to Christianity or any single religion. One reason is because being Black is completely ignored. …
My Miracle Healing: Celebrate Miracles Not Mediocrity
Who Would Imagine, A Little Queen Bringing Miracle Healing I no longer to subscribe to any one single religion anymore, but I still watch online church services with the church …