The 4 Tops, Bernadette song, a Black man singing to his Black woman: “They’d give the world and all they own
For just one moment we have known”
Now that’s the type of Black Love I’ve witnessed and thus I knew I deserved it too. And I have it 

Lord, pregnancy itself is extremely expensive and you ain’t even had the baby yet.

Taking care of your spouse through those terrible times is not struggle love. “Richer or poorer, sickness and health, for better or worse.”

You never know what you’re gonna come to. Ever.

Money is critical, hell even cats need to be bringing in some money with how cute they are, lol, but money should not be weaponized.
This whole capitalist system is not how sustainable, good healthy life is supposed to be.
π‘The Internet is always full of Black people weaponizing their experiences and opinions against other Black people. Every damn topic. I can post a topic on Algebra (one of my favorite subjects), some Black folks gonna have something anti-Black to say. UGH!
They do this because they think white folks are the standard. They think that white is superior and that your only purpose in life is to be more like white people.
It’s a global, centuries old sickness actually. I’m grateful that I was provided with a lot of armor against such a war.
It’s a global, centuries old sickness actually. I’m grateful that I was provided with a lot of armor against such a war.
You would think with all the knowledge and history just being a click away, that these people would be able to break those generational mental slavery chains.
For Black women who want to be in love & married to a Black man, while money is of course as important as oxygen; remember:

Life will life.
Struggling on some level in this system has nothing to do with financial literacy, nor with “being Black and accepting struggle love.”
I’m not kidding when I say go listen to those Motown lyrics & build your foundation on that type of love.
This bears repeating though, lol…