Blog , The Storm

The Obsession with ‘Black Accountability’ is a Form of Anti-Blackness

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Believing there’s a need for ‘Black Accountability’ is rooted in anti-Black sentiments. This anti-black obsession with “accountability.” Black people are held more accountable than anyone else. Hell, we are held accountable and judged and suffer for offenses that we ourselves didn’t even commit. Also, make one mistake and the world […]

Always Blooming: Spiritual Garden , Blog , Planting Seeds: Dear Black Children , The Rainbow , The Storm

Celebrate Miracles Not Mediocrity: My Miracle Healing

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I no longer to subscribe to any 1 single religion anymore, but I still watch online church services with the church I used to go to. And this beautiful angel shining bright star little girl here was performing to Whitney Houston’s “Who Would Imagine a King.” Every time I watch […]