After a week inside I got my lemon tree back outside today and the bees are going to be so happy about this. I’m looking forward to watching the bees …

Learning Patience When You Want Life to Give You Lemons

Positive TV: Abbott Elementary is Head of the Class
I truly enjoyed Season 3 Episode 1. I was so glad it was an hour long because I’m never ready for the show to end after just 30 minutes. I …

A Desert Escape with Sunshine Therapy
I’m so glad it’s been warming up some. I love spending time on the patio, with Luna, birds flying by, my lemon tree, and butterflies depending on the time of …
Building Unbreakable Inner Peace
I was watching my usual church service online. January 21st, 2024. I no longer subscribe to Christianity or any single religion. One reason is because being Black is completely ignored. …
My Miracle Healing: Celebrate Miracles Not Mediocrity
Who Would Imagine, A Little Queen Bringing Miracle Healing I no longer to subscribe to any one single religion anymore, but I still watch online church services with the church …
Stevie Wonder Overjoyed and So Am I
“A penny is a chocolate coin.” -Moonflower, Age 3 Moonflower is 12 years-old and has been creating distinguished art and designs since age 3. Title: Zuri Story: In 2020, due …
Petals and Pearls Floral Paper
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our exquisite digital download journal page, thoughtfully designed with a captivating theme of pearls, flowers, and self-care. Each page is a canvas awaiting …
Halle Bailey is the Best Ariel Possible
(2022) This article is an AI generated accumulation of various online texts. I’ve happily grown to ignore and divest from Disney/Hollywood because they can’t ever be redeemed, corrected, improved, or …
Spirit Dreams
Part 1 of 2 Part 2 can be found here So spirituality is a topic my therapist keeps mentioning for me to work on for my healing. For me, I …
Exploring Spiritual Gifts and Unrest: In the Beginning
This is the beginning of me chronicling my journey and experiences as it relates to therapy, healing, and spirituality. That’s why I added the “In the Beginning.” Isn’t that cute👼🏿 …