


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

Showing: 31 - 40 of 62 RESULTS
Planting Seeds: Dear Black Children Strong Roots: Generational Health

Dear Black Children and Teens: Words Worth a Lifetime

-A collection of special messages to young Black people, from Black people. -Powerful Words Build Empowered Black Children 📝COMMENTS📝 In order to have your comment approved, just remember the foundation …

Blog Planting Seeds: Dear Black Children Sunflower Cinema

Unveiling Hidden Figures by Empowering Middle School Minds

Originally written on Facebook, April 15, 2017, back when I had my African-Centered Education Program. Since then, I realize that the movie has a white savior narrative and does other …



(Links to come) Angels Angel Reese Roses Strawberries Sunflowers More to come! Each theme page consists of: +All blog posts with that particular theme +Pinterest board links (if available) +YouTube …

Blog The Greenhouse: Gardening

My Spring Gardening Day: Moving Plants Back Outside

My plants have been in the house way too long. My Aloe Vera, Pothos, and Desert Escape Succulent don’t like to go below 65 degrees. Well, of course that’s the …

virtual hugsDaisy's Downloads Shop

Virtual Hugs for Angel Reese

(This page is Coming Soon) 👑All blog posts tagged Angel Reese: 👑Follow and Post on my Pinterest Board: Angel Reese is an Angel 👑View My YouTube Channel Videos dedicated …

Bayou BarbieBlog The Storm

Bayou Barbie with Angel Eyes: Angel Reese

As I continue to work through my overwhelming and horrendous emotions regarding this country’s barbaric treatment of young Black people, who are doing nothing but living their best lives, I …

Angel Reese AngelBlog The Storm

A Crowd of Thugs Taunt An Angel: Women’s NCAA Basketball

I’m handling this okay. I just saw that Angel was taunted by the crowd of thugs last night, that’s why I’ve been personally boycotting all sports, because of the rise …

Blog Strong Roots: Generational Health The Storm

Kate Middleton and the Myth of “Bad Black Health”

Let me first say, yes, bad health is a thing. Bad health is a human thing. It’s science, it’s fact. However, anti-Black racism is not based on facts, it is …

Always Blooming: Spiritual Garden Blog

Despite Worldly Labels-I Know Who I Am

–I’m Black (and would never ever change my color even if you paid me), but I’m Black only because deplorable whiteness took the place of god and start putting humans …