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Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

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🐩Family Movie Theater Date: Dogman

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Moonflower (13) loves the work by Dav Pilkey: Captain Underpants and Dogman

When she was a little young she would watch Captain Underpants everyday. I memorized some of the theme song because I liked the music. I caught a lot of episodes with her too. Sweet times, she was like 8-9 when she watched Captain Underpants the most. She has many of the books as well.

She had been so excited to go to the movies and see Dogman, so dad, her and me went yesterday. Sweet, cute movie. Anytime she's smiling and enjoying herself is a tremendous treat for me. I forgot to ask her how much she liked it, I think she liked it a whole lot though.
Back in November she and her dad went to see Wicked. I was still too upset about the election results so I didn't really want to see it.Β 

Alright so here's some Kute Kawaii cat and dog art (from a subscription site) in honor of our Dogman Family Day out lol. I chose Kawaii style because she loves the Kawaii aesthetic

Kawaii kitten and blue butterfly

Kawaii Cat and Butterfly Kawaii thumbnail

Kawaii Siamese Cat with Flowers
Kawaii Siamese Cat on Flowers Kawaii thumbnail


Kawaiit Cat in a Teacup

Kawaii Cat in Teacup Kawaii thumbnail


Kawaii Rainbow Dog
Kawaii Rainbow Dog Artwork Kawaii thumbnail

Kawaii Black Dog with Wide Smile
Kawaii Black Dog with Tongue Out and Wide Smile Kawaii thumbnail

Kawaii Yellow Dog Sitting on a Bench
Kawaii Yellow Dog Sitting on Outdoor Bench Kawaii thumbnail



Hot Chocolate Family Movie Night: The Wild Robot


Posted : 07/02/2025 5:13 am