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Age 9-Portrait Titl...
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Age 9-Portrait Titled "Zuri"

1 Posts
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Faith Black
Posts: 65
Topic starter g" alt="lady drawing" width="542" height="542" />

Title: Zuri
Story: In 2020, due to COVID school closures, we were working on a homeschool lesson. I don’t follow one curriculum, so many times, we use discussions/conversations as the method to learning from each other. We were talking about a range of topics related to languages and cultures.

-Including, “Zuri” being a Swahili word for “beautiful.”

My Facebook page at the time was titled Zuri Black Art, and I had posted pictures of beautiful indigenous women in parts of Africa.

I showed her the page and we scrolled and talked about the jewelry these women handmade, using the Earth’s natural resources. (We occasionally refer to the Periodic Table of Elements.)

A few weeks later, I was checking my phone and looking at some of her drawings from the IBIS Paint App. And that is when I discovered her Zuri drawing. I asked her about it and she explained to me where she got her inspiration from; that day we went by my Facebook page.

She very often shares her work when she’s done. But, Zuri is one of the first times where I had scrolled upon one of her completed works that was just sitting on the phone, not shared with her parents yet.
I was like “Girl, why didn’t you show this to me when you were done!?” Lol.

Age Created: 9
Year Created: 2020
Tools: IBIS Paint app
Available Print Size: 12X18
-White background.

Available for purchase at a later date. 


Posted : 19/12/2024 6:19 pm