This is about Black people who publicly blame and shame & judge and ridicule Black people who choose not to vote.
Wrote this November 6, 2018; edited [edited] out some details because there was some gruesome triggering words when describing history. I now, and thanks to therapy, see that I was further ruining my own mental health and adding to my trauma trying to tie in horrible education facts thinking it would help dumb ass people stop being anti-Black and stop worshipping whiteness & instead try and burn all this shit. Never again! But my words were ------------- The post is from my FB business Black Art page. It got 7 likes and 7 comments, on a page where my art posts could go into the thousands. Makes me so mad that the algorithm controls everything. You can't hardly make a difference even with a lot of followers and engagement. Anyway, one comment was someone saying I am entitled to my opinion...
Hard core history facts = opinions on stupid ass social media But even before social media, when we argued on long text forums like this, we would quote every single sentence and pick it apart. At least sources mattered. The problem was the interpretation of the facts still was based on personal experiences. Bottom line, no online format is the place for these type of discussions
I vote and voting is very very important. There I said it.
I'm over 40 and I do understand why young Black people (let's say age 25 and under) shut us out and get tired of us.
Older Black people who guilt Black people into voting are so brainwashed with this "Our ancestors died for our right to vote."
That is a white lie. Emphasis on the word white.
1) They did not "die" they were [edited] in unimaginable ways over the course of 400 years (and counting) for simply existing in a world that thrives on and revolves around Black dehumanization and Black [edited].
Even after slavery, most Black people [edited] had nothing to do with voting.
2)The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the largest movement of people in history. MILLIONS of young African children and adults were transported. Again, many were children. And only 10% would survive that brutal Middle Passage.
[edited] So this whose voting system yall shaming people for?
No one knows the exact number, but it can easily be around 100 million Africans perished just to establish this country, other Western countries, and the entire voting system that so many older Black people swear is going to save us.
So all the guilt-shaming "Your ancestors died for you to vote". Why did they die, exactly? Because if we go back to the 1500s voting wasn't on the radar until some 400 years later.
In fact, our ancestors have been 'dying' since before white women could vote, since before poor white men could vote, and even since before this country established voting.
Now keeping in mind, that this voting system was established by the very people who owned slaves. It is an outdated 2 party system that will never work for slave descendants.
Systems can be destroyed you know. I'm not saying I have any realistic solutions, but I do know that it's anti-Black to be placing all of the burden on the 12% of the population who did not create the systems, do not benefit from them, and have no responsibility to tear them down.
3)Furthermore, we can't talk about enslaved Africans from the 1500s-1800s without taking things back farther to some of our ancestors who were enslaved by Arabs for 700 years.
And if we want to go even further with what our ancestors died for, take up the scholars who note that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have interpreted some scriptures to mean that Black people are the cursed descendants of Ham and thus, [edited]
It's 2018 and that belief is still 100% in effect
Oh, but somehow the status of Black people begins and ends with voting? Are we even portrayed in the Bible? Could we vote back then? Are there Black angels? Why can't Jesus be brown? Ok that's another topic I guess.
We can solve religious racism with voting too, I guess.
In 2018, the effects of slavery are as strong as ever and present in every system, [edited, edited, edited]
Anyone on the ballot trying to stop those legacies?
The reason why voting will continue on the horrible legacies of slavery is because frankly, the politicians say so.
Black [edited] was profitable then, and it's profitable now. There is nothing on the ballot that focuses on helping Black Lives rise above the same systems, beliefs, policies, and weapons that caused 100 plus million Africans/Black people to perish.
Voting is fine and yes it is very important. But let's call it what it is; simply placing one candidate who wants to uphold white supremacy over another candidate who wants to uphold white supremacy, albeit using different terms and policies.
Same script...different cast.
So black people who believe in guilt tripping and getting angry and black people who don't want to vote, when you bring up the ancestors, take that 100 plus million Black people with you to the ballot; and since this is Native American land stolen by the same system yall believe in, take those perished Native Americans with you to the ballot as well.
I know I do...
-------------- 2025: I was reading this like DAMN!!! DAMN!!! It's crazy how it makes no difference, yet the other side can lie lie lie and it spreads and makes a difference, a negative difference but one nonetheless.
I wasted my time. Never again
I'm so glad to be done with stupid dumb ass people who believe in kissing white/Asian feet however I had some great heart-wrenching writings and I want to keep my writings but I do want to be able to read them without the graphic and depressing details. I used to think the brutal facts would help wake up idiots, because I too had to learn and wake up, but then again I was never ever as brainwashed as most are nor was I ever hateful to my race nor did I ever value whiteness so yeah, there are some big differences in why I was able to read information online and change certain views, develop others, understand different connections etc Anyway, pat myself on the back for freeing myself. I'm keeping up with my writings for me only. Not to ever worry about proving any damn thing to these fools out here
Plus I just now realize that most people don't give a damn about their ancestors because they're most likely not even close to their living relatives. Why would they care about deceased relatives they never met?