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❌Pee Daniels, Pyler Terry

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I hate them and many others like them who put out that type of filth. HATE. Isn't a strong enough word actually. So I have been doing great divesting from this wretched world so I had no clue about Pee Daniels' latest feces-filled film.

For many years I have made sure to stay as far away from their "work" as I would from maggots, viruses, and other toxins. Their TV shows, (I never watched any), and movies (I never watched Pee Daniels but used to watch Pyler's super old work), so anyway, their work conjures up anti-black, racist and sexist stench that combines all the funk of the past 40,000 years. And they ain't Thriller. This is what they disguise and masquerade and pass off as "entertainment."

And to hell with all the actors who participate and refuse to band together against them.
To hell with the networks, producers, streaming services etc
But, when you live in an apocalyptic world with absolutely no standards, no decency, no morals....and every institution is built on theft, land theft, r*pe, murder, war, animal cruelty, Earth cruelty and all other crimes against humanity, then of course, the beastly, barbaric types with those qualities will always rise to the top, and be rewarded for it.

So whoopty do to Pee Daniels for being high enough in this world war Z hierarchy that he can put on disgusting content towards those like (Black women) lower on the hierarchy of hell, and be rewarded, applauded and gain profit. This isn't anything new, very reminiscent of the gangsta rap and other explicit "entertainment" that targeted Black women's body parts.

Like, he's obviously an oppressed nobody, oppressed by all types of other groups, so what he does, is double, triple down on the only group that is more powerless than him: Black women, and children.

"Same ole' tired playbook" that will burn one day.

In reference to that repulsive line in that dumb ass movie, Pee Daniels is just mad that he doesn't have a nappy psy. He wish he had one. 
And he ain't even worthy of going to hell. 
Alright I was doing well on my healing journey, and when I saw that line from that dumb ass movie it set me back and had me shocked and enraged, for some hours, but I'm getting back on track now.


Posted : 16/09/2024 3:18 am
Faith Black reacted
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @zuri

More disrespect of the black female body, coming from a black male, interpreted as comedy by the masses. But, "lmaoooo"!

I saw this quote and it's absolutely true. 

And this one, though I'm having trouble using the quote feature:

"Black men have declared war openly on black women and I want you all to realize that.

Every time I log onto the internet I see shots being fired by black men into the souls of black women and I'm not mistaken- this is happening, they've been building for a while to this point and now its at a fever pitch."

"I don’t find anything funny about this - very anti black woman hateful ‘nappy p’? line designed to go viral with black women’s bodies the punchline."

"Vile ugly and racist - and not ok just because it’s from a blk man’s production."


All above are so very true. But, let me keep my focus on my healing and I certainly hope the insightful women I quoted above, will do the same:

-Don't internalize this filth. That's not easy to accomplish. It's taken me a year of trauma-based therapy with an excellent therapist to get to the bottom of my own personal experiences, which are at the root of why I often take such injustices like this personally. Yes it's 100% vile, but according to my therapist, it should not interfere with my daily functioning, thoughts etc. So I'm glad that I was only upset for, well, less than 24 hours to be honest. But it's usually longer than that, so I'm definitely improving

-I know my self-worth. I know who I am, and I love her

-I also am loved, and the people that love me, the men that loved me are absolutely not influenced by the likes of Pee Daniels etc. My husband can't stand him and says he likes to pretend that Pee doesn't even exist

-Oh that's why I'm spelling his name like that, him and Pyler Terry are not worth the correct letters. They're not the only ones, pretty much all the most "popular" Black producers, directors, writers are whatever the fuc they are, are white trash in disguise. Gee, I wonder why they're so popular. What a coincidence..

-As for internalizing other people's words, make sure they are first worthy. And Pee Daniels and the meme-makers and all Internet culture is composed of disembodied trolls without souls who are not even good enough to go to hell

-So they thrive here, and they outnumber us good people, because unfortunately viruses are designed to multiply exponentially
-And that's what they do, spreading their anti-black viral memes and other nonsense because that's all they got, that's all that makes them feel alive since they are the stench of death inside, and the Internet is a portal for these undead folks to feel alive and multiply.

-But without the Internet, they have no purpose. Now I'm not saying horrible anti-blackness didn't exist before the Internet, but however, it has definitely given these filthy stenches of people a place to feel all fancy and powerful

-These are definitely not people worthy of my time, not worthy of me knowing they exist, and definitely not worthy of me internalizing any words they put in a dumb ass movie or meme or podcast. Really think about it...who are these people? Nobodies, nothing, and even though they're "higher" on the "oppression hierarchy" they still getting their asses kicked by some "higher" group. This world is kicking their asses too, so fuck them when their time comes. As for most of the time, the spotlight is always on the least powerful (Black women and children) but oh baby, all other groups, all colors, got their day and still get their day. 

Even poor white men have their lower status in some areas, so baby, every other group sure does while they stay laughing at and wanting to feel superior to Black women. Man fuck all of 'them. 

-And they, all the anti-black people (even other black, anti black people) have high, infinite numbers online but on an individual level they ain't worth the dog shit they used to step in as kids. 

Again, just who are they, to disturb my peace? Never again



Posted : 16/09/2024 5:32 am
Faith Black reacted