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Justice for Jordan Chiles, The Real Winner

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What an incredibly cruel, unprecedented injustice that sent me into an extremely deep depression. I'm starting to pull through, but I am so tired of this type of inhumanity against Black people. And always, with absolutely no appropriate consequences for the perps.
Where is the national outrage? Where are all the celebrities that were there watching Jordan during those forsaken Olympics, why are they not raising hell on their platforms for her, the way those filthy peasants did for the Romanian women.

And thing is, no judges were purposely cheating against no damn Romania. I'm absolutely not regurgitating the specifics of this nauseating tragedy; but part of my rage was the way cave beast Nadia Comanche flew to sociopathic media to imply that the judges were cheating. Mutant please. 

She and that parasitic prime minister could have handled this entire situation in a professional manner. But no, as their kind always always does, they incited a mob attack of dumb racist thugs on an innocent young lady who had nothing to do with the incompetence.

As much as the USA bullies the world & never shuts up, it's mighty quiet when it comes to raising hell for one of its athletes who has sacrificed so much to represent her country.

It's infuriating. 

Just like how no one loudly and boldly stood up for Sha'Carri back in 2021 for that nightmare of a Tokyo Olympics; and same thing with Simone Biles having to fight her battle alone, here we go again, with everyone loving to be entertained by Jordan Chiles, Simone, Sha'Carri, etc, but leaving them to fight alone.

Anyway, a part of my healing is to stop worrying about what other people should be doing

My Healing Goals 
-As I said above, stop worrying/find healing regarding feeling like others refuse to take action in support of Black victims of racism
-Continue to not explain nor reiterate the specifics of the situation. Thats only adding to my frustration and trauma

-It would be great to feel like I'm in a completely different reality or universe from online inbred racist thugs. I've got to get to the point where though I know they exist, they exist in the same realm of parasites, maggots, viruses, and feces-infested public toilets in a rundown, outdated gas station. They're here, & they keep multiplying, and they ain't going anywhere, but what do they have to do with my direct life on a daily basis?

Unless I'm unfortunate enough and driving in the middle of nowhere and need to use a creepy gas station restroom where the toilet is outside. (If you're older, you might remember having to go inside to get a gas station key and then go outside the building, go around to the back and then unlock the bathroom.)

Once you get inside the toilet room you realize it's best to avoid such filth at all costs.

-The racist and cannibalistic cave beast of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and CAC (Court of Arbitrary Cases) though, represent the powerfully corrupt group who have people's lives in their hands. So the approach to healing from their beastly ways, is not the same as healing from the racist who only feel power behind a keyboard.

In a globally anti-black world, in every corner of the world & in every single industry there are organizations like the IOC etc, full of soulless people who thrive on making unjust decisions against Black people. (And of course these soulless people come in all colors, Black included. But that still does not erase the fact that other Black people are most often the innocent victims here).

With these organizations that is where it takes years of mobilizing for change, but I heard a great quote from someone, she said institutions are not meant to move.

It's tragically true. But, someone has to start chipping away, piece by piece, at these institutions, boards, governments etc 

And by "someone" I mean some group. It's certainly not a task for a single person or a small group. It also takes money to challenge these power structures, and the people with the most money are always too silent.

I have to somehow, hope that somewhere there are plans, ever so slightly, to hold these individuals accountable for the harms they inflict on people. Somewhere down the line, there has to be vindication for Jordan. A vindication and success story that goes well beyond a medal. 

She's going to not only get her medal back, but she's going to be filled with success, beauty, peace and joy that no corrupt organization can take from her again.


Posted : 25/08/2024 6:48 am