Before I delete my FB personal profile and business pages, I'm going back through my posts of course, I'm not deleting about 6 years of my work to never have it seen again. I had to realize as disgusted as I am with the platforms, deleting my work is not gonna hurt no M.Zuc, he don't care, lol. I'm nothing...
And it'll be me down the line wishing I could access my work. I've built too many sites in the past and lost photos and other content to know that my work is valuable and you'll miss it when it's gone forever, so save your work!
So anyway, this is a long process to gather my best posts but I'm making it go as fast as possible. So anyway, in 2020, on my Zuri Black Art Page (19k followers), I posted about some of the software engineers leaving their FB jobs because of the violence and racism allowed from the top
During this time I was beyond needing to leave social media for my mental health but it was now a central part of my business. Okay, at that point, it was the only reason I had an audience, engagement, site visits and sales.
We all know social media had long taken over the Internet
I was never a good fit on social and with all the other things starting to happen, loss of human rights and life etc, and people's shocking and abhorrent comments online, I had to really step back and evaluate things. This is my life.
How much money am I really making vs the amount of time I'm putting into the site? Also, is the minimum success from the algorithm or my marketing skills? Meaning, is there any longevity here? I was trying to build my email list and all that, and that is definitely my short-coming, not being able to keep my email list going
But anyway, that's all fine now. I might not have much of an email list or visitors to this site (Yet) but I did everything I could to protect my health
It was very interesting to see FB top employees speak up against what those of us on the bottom end could see was happening. Crazy thing is how the dumb conservatives think it's a "liberal" site. No social media is liberal. No media is liberal. Won't they go to hell with that lie. Conservatives rule so whatever they hate about the world is their own damn doing. Anything they think is liberal is not even liberal....big dummies
Anyway....it's 2024 and I had completely forgotten about this post. I'll always appreciate this
Timothy J. Aveni
I'm resigning from my job at Facebook.
For years, President Trump has enjoyed an exception to Facebook’s Community Standards; over and over he posts abhorrent, targeted messages that would get any other Facebook user suspended from the platform. He’s permitted to break the rules, since his political speech is “newsworthy.”“when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”Mark always told us that he would draw the line at speech that calls for violence. He showed us on Friday that this was a lie. Facebook will keep moving the goalposts every time Trump escalates, finding excuse after excuse not to act on increasingly dangerous rhetoric. Since Friday, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand and process the decision not to remove the racist, violent post Trump made Thursday night, but Facebook, complicit in the propagation of weaponized hatred, is on the wrong side of history.I cannot keep excusing Facebook’s behavior. Facebook is providing a platform that enables politicians to radicalize individuals and glorify violence, and we are watching the United States succumb to the same kind of social media-fueled division that has gotten people killed in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. I’m scared for my country and I’m done trying to justify this.My last day will be June 12th. If you have contacts in the San Francisco Bay Area looking to recruit a software engineer, please DM me.