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🚫CNN and MSNBC are just like FOX

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The media has always, like any other system, been built to sustain racial hierarchies, stereotypes against people who look like me. Grew up with that, it's as American as somebody's stale, overprocessed tasteless pie. Cause listen, I like apple pie so no I'm not using apple pie for that saying lol. 
It did used to be certain networks that would try to counteract extreme racism and try and give a tiny and I mean super microbial voice to people fighting for equality. That's how I used to view CNN and MSNBC, oh about 15 years ago. 
Still against people like me, but at least they would throw a bone here and there.

That started to go down hill many years ago. So fast forward anyway, I only used to watch Don Lemon (once he turned more equality for Black people). I stopped watching because nothing was getting better in this country but I liked tuning in to the end to see him hand over the stage to Chris Cuomo; their bromance was so unique and refreshing, though I wouldn't sit through his full show either.

Too much police brutality against people who looked like me, no I was not gonna continue to subject myself to people nitpicking these victim's last moments of life. Eff that shit

Anyway I had not watched either network for 3 or 4 years, clean sweep, until Kamala got in the race. The momentum was so epic and never before seen, I was like, surely they'll cover this amazing momentum and historical records and all those hopeful, interesting things going on.

So since I was so mesmerized by Kamala's amazing presence, speeches, and just overall Presidential everything, I was tuning in to CNN and MSNBC to see as much of her as I can as well as keep up with her campaign and progress, because I certainly didn't want to keep being online knowing how wounded I had been from social media and the Internet overall, all the hatred 

Well anyway, CNN & MSNBC were a disgrace. The debate should have been constant coverage, the democratic convention, as well as the celebrity endorsements, her rallies, her speeches, the excitement of every day people and on and on

Everyday, all those sell outs did was continue to talk about that guy and his base and his other supporters. Every fuckin tweet, every fuckin sound bite, every fuckin breath they took, the media was salivating all over it. And not to criticize their outrageously insane lies but to just report on it in a neutral manner.

Yet, they nitpicked Kamala and loved focusing on those hairbrained so-called undecided voters, rural wrinkled and burnt skin never used sunblock typical conservatives, and any Black people who didn't want to vote for Kamala.

They loooooved that narrative. All the tens of millions of people who were mobilized and ready and excited, CNN and MSNBC kept focusing on the same ole tired, stale racist ass playbook.
They love T and are the only reason he was ever elected in the first place. That's why it's so silly that he and zombified, green slimey-brained cult members hate the media.

The media is how those bitches keep getting so much attention, prestige and power in the first place. 
There is no left wing or liberal media. Media is media and they all love him and his cult.  
Without the media, including CNN and MSNBC, his cult and him would be like me and people like me...100% ignored by the media.

So once I realized these stations had no interest in keeping up with Kamala and reporting on her correctly, I tuned out and didn't tune back in until election night. So I'll say out of her 100 day run, I watched the media about a month and then thankfully decided to pull back & get those networks out my life again

I only watched Abby Phillips, Lauren Coates, a tad bit Anderson Cooper, and Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow. I can imagine that the other anchors were even more disappointing. They'd have a quote from that guy or some other politcian in his base saying something disgusting, then they'd spend the entire hour talking about that shit.

Not annihilating it, not criticizing it hard enough, not calling for drastic measures, not calling for his removal, but just sitting there giving with a useless ass panel giving their useless opinions on this trash that shouldnt have made it past his computer or his own social network. But they blasting everything he says...and thus, giving it attention, time, power and more power!

Yet, you wouldn't have any idea about what Kamala said unless she was saying something in response to that convicted felon. That's the only time they'd talk about her, besides nitpicking. They let him and his base control the entire narrative...
Now MSNBC was slightly more tolerable than CNN but still both, absolute failures in doing what's half way best for their viewers.

Oh and plus, they would have conservatives on the shows the entire hour. So you already get insulted and outraged by another quote or action from the Republicans or whatever, and then you'd want to hear someone on the panel obliterate them, but what would happen is they would have people on there who would agree with no matter how disgusting the quote or behavior was, they would always have someone to agree with it, and then you would have to wait for the sensible people to get a few words in, until they're all talking over each other, with your heart now racing in anger...and then next thing you know, commercial break.

And the they're all smiling and friendly with each other by the end of the show, while your pressure is up and you further have no extra knowledge about what Kamala is doing, but you know the type of toilet paper the conservatives used to wipe their rotten asses. Man fuck that shit!

I'm trying to tie every post to my healing journey, so for this one, it just reminds me that there is so much failure on all levels from all types of people in all sectors of this country...this include powerful celebrities who never spoke up against  that guy until Kamala entered the race and they saw the momentum.

Oh so he should have been stomped to the ground way back when he was questioning Obama's citizenship, he should have been silenced then but again, failure...failure from the demowacks for playing too nice, failure from celebrities, the media of course
So it's to the point where I have to remember these people are doing exactly as they were hired to do; and do it in the name of anti-blackness and you get richer quicker.

With so many layers and levels of powerful people to be mad at, it's just best to keep divesting, ignoring etc and keep my energy on my own personal matters.
I used to want better, and used to think that somebody in power had a tiny tiny drop of morality in them and that they could do their powerful jobs in a way to help things get better in the world

Now, let it burn. Would be nice if all the people who got things here, no matter their role, would be nice if they would get the hottest flames but for some reason, I never ever see anyone face any consequences or get any type of moral awakening or anything. So it's best to not even waste time on that line of thinking

They'll be no "told you so" awakening with the media, Hollywood etc. And not even with the average person either. 
Staying in my own world and being grateful for my healing  

I'm still cussing because I like cussing sometimes. Despite the cussing, I'm able to make these posts without feeling my insides turning and twisting.
Furthermore, this is also my way of burying these paritcular gripes and topics. So if say, down the line I see something that makes me mad about CNN or whatever, I will refer to my posts here as my playbook.
But yeah, I refuse to talk about these same topics anywhere else online especially over and over. Tired.
This is my way of moving on


Posted : 11/12/2024 7:46 am