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📆January 2025 Was a Long Year

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I haven't gotten around to my blog or this forum for a week. I had been too absorbed with all the chaos because of who this dumb ass country elected. I had been doing way too much online reading because it's been so bizarre, and unprecedented that I feel like I'm in a history book living a part of history that everyone in the future will be glad they were not alive for.

But knowing humans, and how I'm not a fan of the human race, when has there ever been a good time in history for a massive amount of people? But this is still different. This is self-inflicted atrocities. 
In the past, there were not as many resources, privileges, access to knowledge etc, as there is now. There are no excuses for what people have chosen. It's just basically due to centuries and centuries, don't get me started, thousands of years of lies, hatred, evilness based on some freakin damn skin color.

It has never gone away, even with all the advances in science, tech, religious changes, migration, economics, revolutions and on and on, human beings have never shifted not even slightly, never ever shifted from believing skin color determines who has a soul.


Anyway, I am also typing with one hand so that's another reason I've slowed down posting. But I love posting so I just need to keep it all shorter

I'm still so glad we had that rare, historical snow (practically a blizzard)
That Snowstorm Came Just in Time

So the challenge is to go back to decreasing time consuming information about all this insanity. 1 minute he's gonna do this, the next minute he pauses it, then there are tragedies amongst all this, he's never held accountable. The media and Demowacks are all in on this. 

So anyway, time to retrain myself to get back to my personal peace.

Onward and upward

Stop looking back


Posted : 04/02/2025 4:19 am