They are obsessed with comparing Black people to whites and other races. I'm not going into the history, details, examples and all that. My first sentence says it all, and I'm only about my health, happiness and healing at this point.
One thing I want to note, is how the media becomes rather silent when it comes to comparing their headlines and articles about Black people vs whites/other races.
The terms they use, the photos they use, the people they interview, the adjectives used, the narratives they construct...
The differences are daring, and the media systems know it but don't care
So again since the media and researchers are so obsessively invested in the comparison of Black people to others, they absolutely forever fail at comparing their representation and writings and reporting of Black people to how they report on other races.
Why they stop there? Compare and dissect us on every useless topic under the sun, but oh no, let's not talk about the language and images used to report on stories and cases with Black people vs the exact same scenarios for whites/other races.
The media is an entire whole entity, like a complex living grotesque beast of machine with intricate parts all working at the same time, to achieve the same goal. It's all extremely difficult to bring it down, challenge and hold an entire entity, a system that runs the world, accountable.
As Malcolm X brilliantly stated, "The media will have you hating the oppressed and loving the oppressors."
My solutions to my own healing:
+The power and hypnotic lure of the media is undeniable. It's inescapable. It's magazines and newspapers, commercials and advertising, sports coverage, fashion, on and on, oh yeah, the crime stories as well are the absolute key ratings factors. But only if the criminals are a certain race. Other criminals just get the online social media mug shot coverage.
So, through the years I have definitely been able to eliminate a huge portion of any media...print, online, TV, but it's difficult to avoid.
+However, even avoidance alone does not bring healing. This is a new thing that I have learned.
+Writing, emailing, making phone calls etc do not help. These people simply DO NOT CARE. Of course, groups should continue to fight for fair media representation. Again, solo individuals shouldn't be taking this giant, wealthy, immovable entity on alone and stressing themselves unto a state of hopelessness.Β
+I know that there are great organizations doing great work, but my healing is not about overwhelming myself with any extra information. They exist and I hope they grow, and especially reach out to younger people
+Let's just say if I were still in my "Let me Google that" topic or organization, I'd be bombarded with so much hopeless and depressing information that would add to my trauma so much, that I wouldn't even see any point or hope in continuing my reading or work
+Stop Googling. It is absolutely 100% "the media" that needs to look in the mirror in regard to its anti-Blackness, anti-humanness.
+I'll be glad when Google is no longer so powerful that it's both and verb and noun. Hopefully future generations will only know it as a noun that is of bygone days and no longer rules the Internet by bombarding it with a historical amount of anti-Blackness on every topic imaginable
+As dangerous, damning and deplorable as the media is, I have to think about how they can't snap their fingers or wave a wand and directly hurt my life. For instance, they can't say, "All Black women under the age of 50 are about to experience (Whatever) in 3 minutes after this commercial break. Stay tuned."
I mean seriously, that's about all I can think of. It sounds weird and funny, but I've had to wrack my brain and spirit, to try and stay afloat. And when I concentrate hard on this "what they CAN NOT do to me" it really does help me 🌹🌹
+Someone should construct a Black Humanity Act, to be a continuation of the Civil Rights Act. "Civil Rights" means everyone. We need laws that focus on Black people only.
If it's determined that the media or another entity is not treating Black people in exact same accordance as it treats white/other races, then there should be consequences.Β
+Since non-Black people are always touted as the 'positive and superior standard of humanity,' The Black Humanity Act will consist of hundreds/thousands of years of racial comparisons and information that can be made into a Bill or a law requiring that Black people be treated as humanely as other races. If any entity is found to be violating Black human being rights by continuing on with these hundreds/thousands of years of oppression, then they will be held liableΒ Β
((If they gonna compare our behavior and health and income etc to other races, then be sure to compare the treatment, laws, wars, genocides, colonization, and infinite amount of other horrors Black people have endured vs what other races have endured))
That's too much like right, huh.