That's what so many idiots had to say in regards to those wretched Olympics Committees ruling against Sha'Carri.
That's also what so many idiots have to say regarding so many victims of police brutality.
So, this is all about me healing and not trying to prove a point or explain or educate or anything of the kind. Spent years on that route, so let people get the government they deserve and the government they helped put in place.
Folks, even if they voted for Kamala, still sat their greasy butts online chastising protestors, and picking apart every single move every police brutality victim made and picking apart every move any other Black public figure made (from Will Smith to Sha'Carri & so on), the pitch forks were out because [in my sarcastic voice] "Oh my, there are standards, there are morals, there are rules to follow. No one has a right to hit anyone. No one has a right to break the law and break sports rules."
Me: Oh, really!??? Ha Ha. Then why is that guy and his picks allowed to rule your country and the world. So wait a minute? What ever happened to all that lynch mob outrage and moral policing of people who slap somebody on stage (slapped a bully basically).
I knew everyone who was so outraged about the Will Smith slap, I knew all those fuckers were full of anti-Black shit. This goes for even those who voted for Kamala...most of them are still anti-Black and stay ready to crucify the likes of Angel Reese, Sha'Carri, Will Smith, Noah Lyles, Megan the Stallions, Gabrielle Douglas, Simone Biles, Brittney Griner
geeze, you would think actual convicted criminals and convicted sexual assault criminals would outrage enough people so these convicted criminals could get the brutal lynch mob treatment.
Where those so-called morals at now? Every muthasucker that criticized Will Smith, Sha'Carri, Meg, Lizzo etc, every one of them suckers deserve the criminals that's now in control of the world.
People spent so much time bullying Black public figures who were just living their lives, yet allowed convicted criminals and liars to get in a position that will affect their lives.
[my sarcastic voice] Haven't yall heard though? Everyone with a social media account is perfect!! They have a right to go into the comment sections and bully people who have done nothing to do them, nor does anything Sha'Carri and the others do, nor does it affect anyone else's lives.
But now, those hoes gonna F around and Find out who the exact people are that they should have been rallying against. Cause their moves, thoughts, and actions actually will affect the sorry ass lives of all the online bullies.
I'm you spend time making pissy podcasts, writing thoughtless thinking pieces, making yucky youtube videos, making roach infested reels...just, ugh, basically that's how I describe all the junk that's put out there. Folks spend all they time, like yeah, The bacteria and bug infested Breakfast Club and the green fly and maggot infested shitty Shade Room, and all the people who engage with that mess and bully people....just know that spending time and supporting and promoting that type of bullying, twisted, amoral, negative, lynch mob culture has contributed to people accepting those same type of qualities in a Presidential candidate.
Don't think just because they voted for Kamala that they don't bear responsibility in allowing criminals to run the country and world. That same mindset that allows The Breakfast Club and The Shade Room and similar sites like that, LipsticKKK Ally...all that mess, the same mindset that allows them to have millions of followers, is the same mindset that got a bunch of criminals off scott free and in control of billions of lives, weapons, trillions of dollars etc
I guess in order to be disqualified from the Presidency, he should have slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. That would have possibly made all the difference to disqualify him.
A bunch of white, wealthy people in control of the world is what too many people have always accepted as Godly and the best way to be ruled, so this is exactly what people deserve. Now maybe they can get a taste of why people like me always believed in rising up against white power and all that it represents.
But nooooo, instead of using sociopathic social media as a means to try and make some type of difference and hold the power structures accountable, folks spent all their time strengthening those exact same systems!
Reason why? Oh cause...[sarcastic]well, the police victims didn't comply, or had an attitude or didn't do this or do that right.[sarcastic] Most people are such dummies, they wouldn't even qualify to be a damn mannequin in a dying department store.
Upheld the system when it was killing certain people...well then that gave the system the greenlight to take their genocide and corruption further and further since they know they could get away with shooting down people within seconds just because a cop [sarcastic]feared for his or her life.[sarcastic]
Americans have long told the government just what they can do, so baby they're doing exactly what the country gave them permission to do!
People are addicted to wealth and whiteness, which historically go hand in hand, so though it's always been this way, it's was still packaged a bit differently with Presidents usually being held to high standards and rules.
They, the government that so many people say has the right to shoot down someone for "not complying" or whatever excuse, the government let all those rules and laws go out the window once Obama won.
And dumb ass Americans, the majority regardless of race or political party, set back and kept all their rage focused on defending the same government for taking the lives of innocent victims of police and race brutality (from Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Breyonna Taylor and so on, Tamir Rice on and on).
Wouldn't it have been interesting if big pages like the Shade Room had taken on and decided to outrage against anyone who was defending the police for killing people? Nooooo, they just sit up there and drool over finding pictures to make fun of Black women's hair styles and they let that be where all their energy goes. Useless fools
I know there are more sites like Shade Room but that's just the one I used to see pop up each and everywhere though I never followed them for a single day.
------------------------------------ this is my healing journey, let me focus on this:
✔I normally would want to post the above writing on social media because that's where most people are and you know it has chances of being seen, particularly if I post on my page with 20k followers)
✔But, as I'm going further on this journey, I'm like, wait a minute and let me think about this. So what that it has chances of being seen? Why even care enough to say "In your faces!"
✔I've been at this for years. Somehow, the exact people I want to see it, will not see it. And if they did, it would not matter because
✔I'm a nobody and I do not mean that in a bad way. It's actually peaceful to accept that I'm a nobody in a world that only values shallow things with no life-long value but just material things, entertainment, and other information that strokes their egos, & licks whatever traumatic wounds they have rather than forcing them to seek help.
✔If any information like mine, conflicts with their primitive state of always wanting to feel good but never stop and try and grow and learn, then all they do is double down on their beliefs because remember....they still got the majority of the rest of the world on their side
✔My therapist said, the more people agree with them, the more right they think they are. So it seems like we started with not as many people agreeing that cops and thugged out vigilantes should gun down people, but as time went on, the amount of people who agree with cops/government killing people, just grew and grew no matter the details of the cases, it became increasingly difficult for any Black victim of police brutality (or any brutality) to be seen as worthy of living and justice
✔Since I'm on the right side of history and damn, on the right side of life period, I used to think that even if just one person on the opposite side saw my writings, it would be worth it to make them mad and make them realize not everyone is on their side
✔But they will just completely argue with and dismiss any of my points, and continue to go on and on to all the millions of pages, sites, podcasts, mainstream media and so on that'll stroke their pro-murdering ego and give them their dopamine shot
✔And it's like, what do these people want? The police victim has lost their lives so you would think they wouldn't care about doubling down. Like what's the purpose? People like me can't bring the person back, but I'll be damned if you're gonna ever convince me that the cops/government (or some "scared" white person) has a right to shoot people down
✔So on one hand they're like the government is over-reaching and taking their freedom, but at the same time they say the same government has a right to take people's lives
✔So clearly, MFers ain't shit, and by me posting on social media to say "Told you so...or, in you hoe's faces, you about to get what you deserve", as tempting as it is, just by me logging on to social media I'll already be doing my brain a disservice and going into fight or flight mode
✔I'll get some likes and comments of agreements, and though it's appreciated, when I'm in war mode I'm wanting to make the other side mad so the "I agree" doesn't even help because I be in such fighting mode
✔So then my frustration will only grow, because I know I'm just a few clicks away from making some idiot mad, but they're not gonna see my content, when practically theirs always get shared shared and shared some more either by people who agree with them, or by people on my side who don't agree. But it still gets shared and this, it boosts their dopamine and other feel-good hormones.
✔The format of social media makes it extremely difficult to carry out an extensive argument
✔And if you're on forums where I used to do the long format arguing all the time, the human principles remain the same. People simply don't care about anything that's going to challenge their beliefs if those beliefs make them feel good, superior or whatever
✔I'm a rarity, who always sought facts over feeling good. No such landscape exists in this type of psycho ass world where conspiracy theories are the norm and are not even challenged by powerful entities who are supposed to be pushing back stronger against right wing conspiracies. Those with the power don't push back, so right wing conspiracies are just now, full blown accepted by anyone who refuses to use their wittle bitty brain cells for themselves
✔Regardless of political party, race, age, gender, religion etc, bottom line is anti-blackness is so strong that any information that challenges anti-blackness, is struck down, pushed back relentlessly by all sides, demonized, and yeah, throttled by social media algorithms, Google algorithms, and when the average person sees this information their teeny tiny wittle brain cells can't handle what people like me are saying
---Now, there are other search engines besides greedy Google and I don't know how their algorithms are but it takes a company being straight up anti-racist to make a difference and that's not something I see, So I will assume they're all the same
✔So if I posted on social media which I'm tempted to do, but I'm outlining the process of why I should not, so then basically, I would keep checking the statistics on my post and checking the shares etc to see if I'm making the people mad who I want to make mad
✔I've just never gotten any satisfaction from this (rightful) desire to make the enemies mad
✔No personal justice happens like that on social media. Now if somehow magically people start reading this site, and I make the enemies mad, then yeah that would be absolutely awesome
✔But I gotta remember that type of moral victory has never happened on social media.
✔And when I would keep checking, hoping to see my post take off, I would end up being exposed to more of the opposite side. So it'll be someone with like, a small friend list, make a negative anti-Black post and it would take off and be shared over and over for months and months sometimes years. It'll get picked up by outlets like the shade room etc and become a whole trend with memes, podcasts etc, more post and more posts and on and on
✔But posts like mine, that I've posted for years, and I'm not the only one, there are a few other people who post brilliant information to challenge oppression, their posts also have very little life expectancy on social media
✔Even Dr. Joy Degruy, world renown professor, author etc and her world-changing information does not expand beyond the core group of people. No matter how many times I would share her posts, and share post from people like the Black Nutritionist and so on, it would be crickets! Just a few likes here and there
✔Yet let it be some negative Black stereotypes or some right wing stuff and baby it pops up on your feed, don't even have to be following the page, and the massive amount of comments and likes make you want to gouge your eyes out
✔So then I would be more enraged and go back to my post and figure well maybe it's too wordy, or maybe I need to turn it into a meme, or maybe I need to use a celebrity's photo to grab attention, or maybe this or that or the other. So then I fall into the same ole trap....
✔So no. I'm fine as a nobody, and also, why would I want to be a somebody in this world?
Gotta be like I'm in the world but I'm not of it and not a part of it.
✔Nobody gone be like "Oh my goodness the great Zuri has spoken" LOL
✔Now if I was saying something anti-Black, people would be like "Oh she has spoken." Saw it all the time, some worthless person who hardly had any traffic all of a sudden would have 1 post go viral, based on antiblackness
😋Aint gonna lie, maybe some months down the line when things start burning, I'll use social media just to link here and say "In your hoe ass faces"
But as far as trying to find the right graphics and words and pictures etc to make a post specifically for social media, naw, don't do that. I can't use the platforms as a way to criticize the exact purpose of the platforms (anti-blackness)
((Facebook is the only one I use and know, but they're all the same garbage))
But I can use the platforms to link here, just like I use a public toilet
Lol as for now, I'm good but exhausted from typing all this