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🚫Abolish Race

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Life is not sustainable as long as the world keeps race as the primary qualifier of who deserves life. The world has always been terrible, but it's burning a bit more intensely and frankly just different now because "w" supremacy is not sustainable to Earth's life, plant life, animal life...including my least favorite, humans. 

There has never been a logical, moral, worthy, natural nor biologically life-given reason to put people in race categories. Race categories were invented for the sole purpose of racism. I used to get so depressed because I just couldn't believe how and why it has worked sooooo well. Just flawless. Deadly, disgusting but still executed so brilliantly that most humans buy into it all.

Something is genetically, spiritually or both wrong with humans. 

As long as there is uncivilized and predatory thing called race then there will always be racism.
And contrary to popular belief, anti-Black racism is harmful to everyone, except the rich & wealthy.
Well, looking around, most people are not in that rich and wealthy category, and they are enraged that the anti-Black structure of capitalism, health care, wages, housing, and even barriers to obtaining a higher education is now trickling down to the average white person.

They'll never admit that anti-blackness exists though. Nor will most Black people even admit this. To hell with them all...

Anyway, "Woke" well-informed Black people have been discussing these topics ad nauseum for decades. But now that white people are finally feeling the effects of a government built on slave labor and exploitation and injustices against Black people, now all of a sudden it's accepted and cool to be mad at the government.

Well this is still the same government that gives whites and others Asians/Brown people extremely clear advantages over Black people. So which is it. You can't pick and choose when the government is fair and just, and when it is not.

You can't wait until you're on the wrong side, or let me say "The Black side" before you start rallying against the government just because the government had given you superior status, nicer homes, cleaner air, better educational resources, white only and better health care and hospitals...

The government was fine then and "Those people" needed to stop complaining, stop being lazy, get an education and stop depending on the government.

Now that people can't afford eggs, it's perfectly fine for them to blame the government rather than take personal responsibility for their finances (because that's what Black people have always been told to do.) Take personal responsibility and don't depend on the government to solve your problems.

Anyway, all other races and groups certainly still have their superior race status over Black people, but I suppose they are feeling the lines getting blurry. I certainly don't see it that way, but they're enraged enough to put a criminal in charge of the country and world

Great going. 

Oh also, humans don't have enough morals, emotional intelligence, or anything valuable to ever get rid of race categories. People love feeling superior to Black people, even if they're hungry while doing it.

Everyone, with very few exceptions, getting what they deserve, hungry and all, I guess the feelings of racial superiority helps fill their stomachs. I know for me personally, I want actual food, good health, safety, etc, I don't care about feeling superior to someone else. That shit is so stupid. 

And no way would I ever think that the only people who deserve food, warmth and shelter are people in my "race."

Most people can't see anything but race, and even when it comes to Black people, we further put other Black people into more categories within our own race.

Humans are idiots. All races. So race is here to stay. I have absolutely no faith in humans. 

Of course I'm not saying that abolishing race will end all problems. And even before race, there were always oppressed groups in every society. However, race remains completely different in the way the oppression is implemented, viewed, defended, embedded into society, rooted in people's mindsets, all cultures and on and on.

Million differences between wars, injustices, hatred and oppression based on race/skin color/hair texture vs wars, injustices, hatred and oppression based on everything else (religion, land, class, sex, sexuality, etc).

Race has changed whatever path this world was originally on, in ways that nothing else has. Race is also often the foundation of other oppressions such as sexism, homophobia, and race goes hand in hand with classism.

It's even more maddening since race is the one thing that's totally imagined and made up. Wow, the illusion, the depravity, the hypnosis, the spell that accelerated the destruction of whatever decency that was barely left in humans. 

Maybe humans were never meant to be, after all. Never decent. 

But I used to have a tiny bit faith. If anyone still does, here's an article by Justin Michael Williams


Posted : 06/12/2024 6:38 am