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💞The Loved, Young Black Man at Target

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We were using the self-checkout at Target and in the lane in front of us, I heard a lady kinda frantically saying "I thought you were going to be here tonight to work with us." Something along those lines. I looked at saw she had a red shirt and so did the young man she was talking to.
He started saying something back to her and she was like "I'mma miss you being here." Then as he continued to walk out the door and my daughter and I were not far behind him, some girls at the counter yelled "Byeeeeee Byeeeeeeee" to him.

It was that kinda bye like, "Oh no we are stuck here tonight in this store without you make us laugh and get through dealing with these customers."
Well that's the way I took it lol. I was looking at him walking to his car, as we were walking to ours, and he was in the usual stance, on his phone, carrying his snacks, and just in a cool world of his own. Just that little snapshot of his life...I enjoyed witnessing.Β 
He looked like he was a teen, maybe a senior in high school. And the first lady was older, and the other girls were maybe his age. They were white. Not that it made this story any more special, but since it matters to me that he is Black, I didn't want to leave anyone wondering what color they were.Β 
But anyway, race aside, I can just tell he's a joy. He seemed so relaxed and confident, and in his own little young man's world as he was walking to his car. I sensed his freedom, his relaxing spirit, his joyful demeanor and his happiness that he was not having to work that night, lol.

In person, I am used to being around Black people who have this type of effect on people. People just love them, plain and simple. Some people are just fun to be around. I used to wish I was like that lol. But, you just gotta accept that you don't exactly have an outgoing personality, and you're not cool and in the in-crowd, lol.Β 

But anyway, I loved that, just by the way he was walking, it seems like he was unaware of all the race online hatred and never-ending depressing and hopeless stories about people who look like us. Enough is enough & they serve no purpose..

The young guy had hope and an inner light that the hateful Internet/social media had not dimmed. And hopefully he'll always be that way💟💘💝💖💗💓💞💕❣


My daughter and I have a tradition of going to stores this time of year (well starting with Halloween actually) to see the holiday decorations and see what's in our budget that we can add to our decorations. With a lot of that stuff, I be like, "Dang is this for someone having a corporate party or something." It'll be so over-the-top but it's all so fun and interesting to look at. Some people host big parties at their homes and need 20 feet tall skeletons lol

Now that I think of it, I don't really see decoration that go on the roofs for Christmas anymore. Well that mostly was a TV thing, but houses are built different today so it's not something I've noticed in person either, just a bunch of inflatables


Posted : 06/12/2024 6:35 am