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❗So glad I don't pour my heart out like this anymore

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Found this old post from my FB business page, December 2022. Google had a graphic on the home page like how they are honoring an icon, and they had the person embedded in their Google image. I saw it was a Black man with a video game and they actually had it where you could temporarily play some games right there in the Google window. 

 I tried to avoid reading more about him because I know I always see something that bothers me as it relates to race. Very difficult to read anything without there being something negative said about Black people, even if you're reading about a Black genius. Ugh, sigh. So anyway, I found a blog responsible for some of the content and wrote this long post, which they didn't post...which is fine!


It was in response to the (lies) statements about Black culture being the reason why so few Black people go into the sciences vs. sports.🙄🙄 Sigh)).
December 2022
I have discovered Jerry Lawson through Google’s Doodle. WOW. Absolutely amazing, yet geniuses who are Black is actually not unusual. So before reading his story I knew that he would be a genius above geniuses. I was hoping he were still alive to see the recognition by Google. Since Google is used by billions, I was like he can finally feel that he’s getting his recognition.
Sad he passed, but I hope that his children are thankful that he’s getting his recognition.
I have to say, even the basketball guys can be geniuses too. Genius is not limited to engineering and science. When some Black children turn away from academics and turn only to sports and entertainment that is due to TRAUMA and LIES from adults and society telling them that Black is inferior.
Wanting to “only play sports” is not CULTURAL- that is trauma.
As a former teacher, volunteer, and substitute teacher I promise people that they can go into the Blackest schools and if they take time to talk to the kids, they will realize they have no fear, they have adventure, they have dreams, and they have talent beyond this world. The tragedy is when adults because of racism and anti-blackness, crush these children’s dreams and kill their souls in the progress.
So the narrative that Black kids don’t like science, is racist. And that narrative actually CREATES a fear in children who don’t have the solid rock support system like Lawson and me had.

I fell in love with science in the 8th grade. Like completely fell in love with it. I set my eyes on being an MD, then OD, then whatever type of doctor.
Never for a second did I think that my ghetto cultural self did not belong in those type of intense academic environments. On the other hand, I also didn't think that there was something special about me, a Black girl from the ghetto now sitting and being trained by world renown scientists.
There wasn't anything special about me in comparison to my peers who were also from the same type of neighborhood.

What was special was the fact that I just had heaven-sent parents, a supportive neighborhood, supportive other family members, and teachers who never ever said that my skin color made me less than.

I realize that I am an anomaly. But not because I am a girl from the ghetto who almost became a doctor. The brightest, most creative minds have historically always been found in the poor, Black areas.
Only when society realizes it can PROFIT from such genius, are certain Black people allowed to rise through unscathed. So the small amount of Black people in math and science fields is absolutely not because of culture, but again, TRAUMA, as well as society, universities, companies and so on only seeing Black bodies and minds as something they can PROFIT off of.
Never is a Black genius seen as human, or Black people seen as people, but as PROFIT. Profits who remain hidden from society, once these industries make their billions from a Black genius the genius remains hidden. It’s the same ole story over and over again.
So again, depending on many many factors, some geniuses make it through okay but let’s not ever ignore the amount of Black geniuses and just your regular, every hardworking Black people who are not geniuses, let’s not be dismissive of the inhumane assaults and tortures that stop many of them in their paths. Take a person who is average yet is a hard worker- they still deserve to go to work or school without being harassed.
Racism is not something that Black people, especially children with dreams, should be expected to rise above like they are superhuman. It is inhumane.
White supremacy is a never-ending powerful, practically supernatural force that permeates and poisons every single fabric of society on this Earth. It’s centuries old and is the foundation of modern society.
Just because some Black people are able to have those “nice white people” in their corners and rise through their career fields, doesn’t mean that is how society functions. And that burden of change is not on the kids with basketball dreams. They should be left alone and left to dream in peace actually.
The criticisms should be on the numerous people, yes people of all colors, all adults in authority figure positions, who make it their daily ritual to keep Black children from dreaming, achieving, and believing in themselves. Again, unless said Black child is some type of “favorite” that people can see a profit off of.
Racism is terrorism, it’s genocide, and should never been seen as just a footnote when it comes to exploring why some Black children choose certain careers, or why they are the “only Black” in highly respected fields.

First we’re only supposedly 12% of the population, so just that right there will often make someone the “only Black” in many areas but Black people need to stop thinking they are the “good Black” or “special Black” because they are the only ones in a whitewashed university, companies, programs, and so on.
We don’t need more Black children to become degreed scientists or engineers, or any special job title that’s praised by how much whiteness can profit from it.
How about just more Black children allowed to be, to exist, to experience…to be exactly whatever it is they want to be in this world that doesn’t deserve them.
My daughter is an artist, she has been since age 3.
Thank you for posting this if it posts…


Posted : 08/01/2025 1:27 am
Posts: 50
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These sacred rage painful thoughts, heart pouring out is only for me now, not ever wasting my time on any other sites, platforms, etc, leaving my thoughts on my own site only! Because everything is about me now. I do not care!

I totally knocked it out the park with this response. It's actually amazing to be in that much emotional pain due to race and still express myself the way I did. Getting all those thoughts, examples's a lot of work and such emotional labor. It's abusive when you keep explaining yourself, your culture, over and over and even to other Black from the same culture who look down on the culture. I'm so glad I've freed myself. I used to think there was a chance that people would get basic principles, such as: We are equal. That's it. 

And that there's a difference between culture vs behavioral patterns that are a result from unhealed trauma, untreated mental illness, race-based poverty and so on.
There is also a difference between culture vs subculture which again, subculture rises up due to trauma, chaos, poverty & so on as more and more people find themselves lumped into the same conditions and same locations and are cut off from productivity, they develop a destructive subculture to adapt to their inhumane situations. 

My therapist told me that it's called economic segregation.

He also said most people on Earth do not have an understanding, let alone a deep understanding about what me and the few people like me are saying. 
Also, I now know that most people prefer to hold on to their illusionary ideals that some group is inherently inferior (let's guess which group). 🙄🙄 Anyway, the sickening thing is that all the systems, media, loudest fools in society, all the entertainment, racist "research," Google results, site after site, interviews and so on, promote never ending antiblackness built on skin color and race being the #1 way to determine who is good, smart and beautiful.

There are very few people like me who believe in equality. My side is outnumbered and outpowered. Frustrating to be existing among zombies but I had to heal and get to the point where I just don't care!


Posted : 08/01/2025 1:37 am