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❌Social Media-I Don't Need to Know that Much About Nobody

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 it's all so unnecessary. 

Piggy backing off this post: 🤣Me laughing at racists & starting the year off wrong – 🌻Healing in Progress – Healing & Halos Forum where I mentioned that I was on FB to get old posts off my business pages and transfer them here, but one thing I always end up doing is "let me go check on so and so page."

That's a habit that I've got to continue to break.

Pre-social media, I didn't need to know this much information about anyone, no matter how much I liked them. It wasn't possible to know anyone's every move, and that was a good thing.

If you were a fan of someone, there was some access to their latest work (music, interviews, shows), or tennis matches, or whatever sports they played. And then you watched or read their interviews about their work, and then we saw their nice, staged photos. That's it. 

Social media comes along 🤢 and makes it seem normal to be exposed to daily information about people's every move. That is actually absurd. We don't need to know this much about each other. Like, do we live together? It's really crazy how we consume everything about other people. And what's the point?

Even if you like them, there's no need...speaking for me personally because this new journey is all about me, there's no need to know what they're drinking, eating, thinking....did they like a certain movie or song or meme or whatever...what clothes they are wearing, who they talked to while shopping, their vacations, relationships, house. There is absolutely no topic in the world that is off limits. Remember the phrase, TMI (too much information)?

Not these such thing as TMI. People crave more and more and more of other people's business.

We know whenever someone is sick, their every symptom. We know their diagnoses, prognosis, medications; we know their surgeries and surgery dates, we know any's just, too much. We see it all, the videos, the photos, the ambulance rides, hospital rooms, I mean...what is happening here?

I'm not criticizing people for posting these things. There have been times where I absolutely needed to check someone's page to make sure they are still here. I am saying as for me personally, there are very few people where I need to know that much information about. And it's definitely been past time to stop consuming all these details about people's lives just because they post it. 
Especially when I'm usually, nothing to these people. 

Lately I've been like, let me try and recreate certain things about my life pre-social media.

How does it impact my life if I read so and so views about XYZ? Yeah, I like the person and it's great that I'll agree with them, but does it really matter to my life? Does it matter if I know what TV shows they are watching? Seriously!
Cause let's face it, while I'm usually making sure I only go on people's pages that I like, the negativity and stress will be there somewhere and that all turns into more trauma for me.
Even if I did need to know about someone's life, social media isn't the place.

So this brings me to, real life friends, family and close family. Of course, it's important to know certain things about real life people in your life, but again 1)we never need to know as much as people post 2)social media isn't the place 3)if I can call, e-mail, text, or visit them in person, then that's what I need to do

It's insanity & I'm so grateful to be on this journey of breaking free from the spell but it does take time. It's always been easy for me to see how damaging the negativity is on social, but now that I've healed tremendously from my various traumas I am able to see more clearly, the poison that is social media, even the so-called "positive" sides of social media are not positive at all


Posted : 04/01/2025 8:29 pm