


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

My plants have been in the house way too long. My Aloe Vera, Pothos, and Desert Escape Succulent don’t like to go below 65 degrees. Well, of course that’s the textbook temperature, I have definitely had to let them stay out below that temperature; I usually would cover them up.

The weather just continues to be more and more unpredictable and off balance. They typically wouldn’t need to stay in the house past mid March, but it’s not mid April, and while the days will be hot, the nights are still much cooler than usual for this time of year.

But they’ve been in the since around November (I need to check my photos to get the exact month), but that’s just a long time for outdoor loving plants to be inside.
My plants in particular, prefer to be outside rather than inside. I can’t speak for what anyone else’s plants prefer, lol.

And since I have a cat, my glorious goddess Luna, I needed to keep her protected from the plants and vice versa, so I bought this little portable type small greenhouse. I have plenty of pictures, but no time to post them now; I’m just trying to get this posted.

Okay, so basically, it turns out my plants were not getting enough air in this greenhouse, so an icky fungus started to grow. That is why yesterday was the day to move ’em on out! And just cover them up as the night temperature will be slightly below 60. 

So I spent some time getting out the soil that had the icky-looking fungus and putting some fresh soil in.

Spring Gardening

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